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V 2017 - Man, it's been more than halfa year since the last log! My
apologies, final year of highschool is stressful, and thus, I couldn't
do much here. I sneakily added some extra files though. Happy New Year,
I guess! I added Ace Attorney skins for Zandronum to the projects
section. Consider this as a gift from Santa, or something. Too late for
Santa, yet a bit too early for Дед Мороз.
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V 2017 - Damn, it's been a whole month since the last update. Sorry for
being so lazy. Anyway, "About" section has been changed to "Personal".
That way, I can use it for more than just showing a short page on who I
am. Thinking of turning it into a sort of blog. Since the texture this
text is displayed on is a papyrus, I decided to change the font on all
pages to something more aesthetically appriopriate. Got rid of the
counters, since they malfunctioned and were bringing embarrassment.
Those numbers are not bound to be totally accurate anyway. Despite what
main page might have been saying, I have sneakily added a few silly
videos in the downloads section. So, yeah, I made a few tweaks to
improve the experience. Got rid of a few dead links Google Analytics
has been telling me about too. Hopefully, I will add more stuff soon.
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IV 2017 - Links to subpages fixed. Added a guestbook. Wanted to add one
with Disqus(since it allows to log in with Twitter/Facebook/Google
accounts and comment), but so far, no luck in installing it properly.
Forgot to mention, I have no guarantee that the counters on the main
page will work 100% fine, especially the second and (even more so) the
third one.
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IV 2017 - The site has finally been officially launched. Currently, it
is hosted on a Raspberry Pi 3B and can be reached thanks to DuckDNS and
Domain.com services. It took me about 3 weeks to get all of it done.